Dear Friends,

we attempt to inform you this way what has happened with Esther the last few days!

The Lord may not have planned
that this should overtake me
but He has most certainly permitted it.
Therefore; though it may be
an attack of the enemy,
by the time it reaches me,
it has the Lord´s permission
and therefore all is well.
He will make it work together
with all life´s experience for good.
  - Rom: 8: 28

With greetings from Ulla Lilienberg








March 2004


Friday March 14

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8:00h Esther is getting ready to go to work, as suddenly she gets a very strong pain in her head. She vomits and breaks down. Emanuel, Esther’s friend, called for the ambulance and an emergency doctor. App. 10 minutes later the ambulance came. Esther looses her consciousness Esther had a cerebral haemorrhage. (in her Cerebellum) At the hospital she gets operated soon. The bleeding was very strong so that it grew into a big “blood-mushroom” and would not stopp. The doctors needed to go through her body with a catheter up to her brain to take the pressure, through an embolisation out of her blood-vessels before they could start to operate on her head. (11:10am)
After some more tests the real operation started 3:37 pm. This “second” operation lasted more than 7 hours.
The reason for the bleeding was that a deformed blood-vessel burst, which she had since her birth. The operation went well. Now Esther is lying in artificial “deep-sleep”. Her state is stable but critical. Anita could visit her about midnight.

Saturday March 15

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A quite night. All counts are ok. We visit Esther before noon and try to take up contact with her. We have a feeling, that she is reacting on our presents. As Gerhard is touching her arm and whispers in her ear, the blood-pressure is rising. With the repeated CT (computer- tomography) scans the doctors can see, that the brain is swollen and that the brain activity is reduced. This is disquieting. It feels good to be close to Esther, to hold her hand and to pray for her. In the afternoon we have been with her again for some hours. Uncertainty easily takes over. To know that many friend pray for Esther give strength. She is in Gods hand! We leave Esther with prayer at the intensive-care unit.

God! Please protect Esther

Ps 91,11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

In many churches people are praying for Esther.
Many friends are calling wanting to be informed so that they can pray specific. It is a great blessing to know about all that covering.

Sunday March 16

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In the afternoon we have been with Esther again. We saw a great change within a short time. Först we had the impression that she felt our presence. But then she even did hold Anitas hand at one instance.
The doctor said that the brain functions are back to normal again. The brain would be ready for the “wake-up”, but a new complication appeared. Esther was sick the last weeks and had some serious trouble with her lungs. Now it looks as if she got pneumonia. So she shall stay in artificial "deep-sleep". She has fever and twice as high pulse as she should have. Yesterday she had 66 today 136. When she wakes up we want to be with her. The doctor made a notice to call us in advance so we can drive to Vienna when they plan to wake her up. The wake-up will cause new stress, as she doesn’t know yet what has happened to her. She is getting artificial respiration. To wake up with a tube down ones throat is shocking. Especially if you do not know where you are.
The waking will also cause stress for the brain again.
How good and quick her brain situation has improved is a great answer to prayer
Please pray for Esther but also for her boy-friend, Emanuel. It is getting really close at him!

Monday March 17

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The infection counts are still too high, but the fever has gone down and the pulse is normal. We thank God for that!
Because of the infection-counts they will not let her wake up today yet.
Emanuel informed us tonight, after he has been with Esther; The situation is unchanged but stable. Esther is spontaniouly breathing again on her own, but she still gets breathing support. Her artificial sleep is no longer so deep. She is reacting positiv on her medication.

We are grateful and see it as a sign of Gods love, that so many people in differnt countries pray for Esther!

Tueday March 18

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Everything looks like yesterday. Esther has some fever (37,6°C). She doesn't sleep so deep anymore! Esther is fighting the tube in her windpipe. I believe that she wants to breath for herself and wake up. The infect in her body still is a matter of great concern.

7 o´clock pm
We just came from Esther. Today all her counts are great (exept for the little infect).Esther is half awake. Sometimes she's reacting. Gerhard said something wrong to the nurse and Esther did shake her head straight away. As Emanuel came into the room and she realized it, she tried to sit up immediatly. Her hands are loosly tied to the bed, so she would not tear away any of the many tubes.
Sometimes she is sad and cries a little. She hardly knows anything about what has happened to her. She is not realy awake.
She is fighting the breathing tube, which also hinders her speech. She might wake up tomorrow completely. Because of her asthma and the infection the doctors want to wait with the removal of the breathing aid.
We could talk to one the doctors which operated Esther. Now we know what really has happened.
Esther had a haemangiom in her brain. It is something like a birthmark. It has no funktion and many people have it without ever knowing about it. It's size was about 5cm and it was full of arteries and veins. When it burst open it flooded its surrounding and made pressure on the brain.It would not stop bleeding by itself.
The doctor said that Esther was very lucky
1.Within one hour she was in a special hospital where specialists taking care of her.
2. The Haemangiom could be removed without causing any damage to the brain.
3. Normal negative side-effects after an operation like this are missing. With Esther everything looks good and positiv.

Wednesday March 19

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12:00 noon Esther was awake earlier today. She had good contact with the nurse. The nurse had to explain Esther, why she has to keep the tube in for now. Around 10 o'clock she got som help to sleep again, so that her body can recover better. Please pray to God, that everything works fine when they take away the respirator-tube. We have the impression that the doctors are very nervous because of Esthers asthma.
7:00h pm The afternoon with Esther was very encouraging. She clearly recognizes her visitors. Esther is awake very often and answers correctly to questions by nodding. She even could communicate to Anita tha the sticker on her nose was itching.
The medical doctor said, that her neurolocical test result are good but that the lungs are causing concerns because they contain to much water. Not enough to puncture her lungs but they count on Esthers youth to desintegrate it on her own. The doctor said further, that they plan on removing the respirator-tube tomorrow.

Thursday March 20

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10:00 am The doctor informed us right now, that it is planned to make an Angiography today. Angiography is a special X-ray procedure that takes pictures ("angiograms") of your blood vessels. It is usually done by inserting a catheter into an artery or vein in your groin. The outcome of the Angiography will be the basis for the decision, if the tube will be removed today or not. This wil be a hard day for Esther.
19:00h The Angiography revealed som suspicious spots. Therefore will they repeat it tomorrow with a more fine instrument. There could be some more shortings (direct connections between an artery and a vein) which could burst. They will close those "connections" through the catheter, if they find some.
Esther is anwering very well. She even did laugh as good as she could, when I told her, that by getting a ticket, I found out that the area she is living in a "parking fee area".

Friday March 21

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11:00h The doctors have changes they mind. They did not do the second angiography. The tube has been removed. Esther is fine. We will go to see her in the afternoon.
18:30h We have been with Esther. The Doctor has said that the condition of her head was not that acute, that the 2nd angiography could not wait 3-4 weeks. Esther shall recover first.
In respect of the situation Esther is fine. She asked why she is at the hospital, which Anita explained to a certain extent. Shortly after that Esther remembered that she had felt sick and asked if the ambulance had already come.
Esther has 38.6°C fever and things are getting mixed up for her.
Please pray for her lungs. She has some water in her lungs and an infection in her body which makes her very exausted.
She had difficulty to concentrate on her visitors and even asked us to leave a few minutes earlier because she was too tired and wanted to sleep.
Esther asked us, to pray for her.

Saturday March 22

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10:00h We have just called the hospital. The temperature has not gone down much 37,6°C. Too much for the morning. Esther sees things which are not there and she has problems to orientate herself. There is not change with the infection and her lungs.
Esther asked that only three persons should visit her.
Thank you for praying!!!!
18:00h We are back home after visiting Esther. She still has fever 38,1°C. She is very tired. Today she ate her first few spoonful of soup.
Our visit was very exausting for her, so we left earlier. Now we have to plan the visitors. No more than 3-4 persons a day, but with a break in between.
A Physiotherapist startet today to teach Esther to breath correctly.
It is not possible to say anything about consequences of the bleeding. We have to wait and see some more weeks.
Esther is very observant. She hears everything and answers very straight forward. To speak is very difficult for her. No wonder after 7 days with a tube in her throat.

Sunday, March 23

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Esther asked us, to send her greetings to you all. She is feeling much better today. We have talked with her about the things which have happened. She remembers everything. It is wunderful to see, that she is coming back to live and daily bussiness. Nobody knows, least of all Esther, how long it will take before everything is back to normal. The most important thing for her is to recover her strenght and to have patience with herself and her situation.
What concernes the doctors (and us) is a "liquor - congestion". It can happen with operations like the one Esther went through that swellings can come about, which cause such a congestion. This can lead to complications. It is possible to do something about it, but it is preferable to let the body itself solve the problem. The important thing is, that the doctors are aware of the problem. This "liquor - congestion" problem is a prayer request.
We hope that Esther doesn't need to go through more operations.
We are back in Steyr now and plan to visit Esther again in a few days. The daily informations will continue.

Monday, March 24

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9:20h I just talked to the angiography specialist. He said that all "shorting" have been taken care of. It was a wrong interpratation of his collegues. The "liquor - congestion" problem he expects will solve itself. In the worst case a little operation must be done. He was very calm about the whole situation. We shall pray anyway that the developement will continue as good as it did until now.
We are gratefull that everything works out as it does. Thank you for your support as we pray for Esther. We need you.
12:30h I have heard just now that Esther has left the intensive care station and been moved to a normal station this morning.
14:30h Esther made her first try to get on her feet again made a step and is sitting now in a chair.

She could sit 30 minutes in the chair. She will practice to walk again this week.

Tuesday, March 25

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7:40h Esther is doing fine. She still has some headache but is confident!
Her condition improves continously.

Wednesday, March 26

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8:40h Esther is busy training. She can drive her wheel-chair on own. She is still very weak, but the improvement is progressing.
Here comes a greeting from Ether ( by telephone dictation:
Dear people!
Beautiful greetings from the neuro-surgery. You cannot imagine how good it is to visit the toilet again on you own.
Emanuel has printed the complete Visitors-bok. I have read it and could spill tear over and over again how nice it is.
Now I'm waiting for my sweet physiotherapist, then I shall learn to go.
Schöne Grüße, Esther

Thursday, March 27

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When we came to Esther today, she was sitting on her bed meeting us with a smile. It is unbelievable to see her in such a good condition just 13 days after the operation in her head.
Esther is still very week, but full of energy to conquer live! Gerhard and I have the feeling, that we want to say to her: “Take it easy. Give yourself the time you need.” One of the doctors said, that she may go home coming weekend. It sure would be nice to be home again. As we talked with each other we agreed, that Esther needed more time to recover first. The doctor in charge shares this opinion.
She can walk a short bit, but gets dizzy and exhausted VERY fast. She made the same discovery as Galileo Galilei did, hundreds of years ago: “The earth is moving!”
She still does have the swelling in the back of her head and neck, which causes the liquor-congestion. We hope that this will have gone before she leaves the hospital.
After leaving the current hospital she probably will come to an other hospital in Vienna, which has a new rehabilitation-ward.
Esther is overwhelmed that so many people pray for her, take up contact, inquire about her and care
Every day she is reading in her “Visitors-bok” from the web, which Emanual prints out for her.
She said: “When I think about it, I have to cry, it is so unbelievable for me!”
This afternoon the stiches were taken away. Tomorrow some more checkups and test will be done.
Praise God for his caring kindness, and continue to pray, that Esther will soon have her strength return.

Friday, March 28

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Today is one of those days. Her spirits are low, Esther is very tired. She needs a lot of sleep, and tehre is not much calm time available in Hospital.
Examinations, Doctors round, meal timesUntersuchungen, theraphy and more. Esther is pretty much exhausted.
To get rehabilitation training Esther will not be moved to another hospital but only to an other ward to where she is now. The neuro-surgeons want keep her close at hand.
For now our girl needs a lot of patience and perseverance. She may for now let go of all things and just think on herself.

Saturday, March 29

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Esthers E-Mail address works again. I made a mistake with a link-entry. Please forgive, if this I caused confusion.
Now plans have changed again. Next Tuesday, Esther will be moved to the other hospital, I mentioned earlier. There they have a new rehabilitation ward. This is also the same part of town where she has her apartment.
We talked to Esther by phone. Even today she is very tired. But she says also, that it is good to sleep and collect strength. Her spirits are low, but this is not an easy situation.
She is worried how she will manage to be taken to the other hospital on Tuesday.
Our prayer for today is that Esther will not loose her confidence.

Sunday, March 30

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Everything is steady. Something like the last two days. Coming tuesday we will report the next time, or sooner if something serious happens.
Thank you for your support. Gerhard

Monday, March 31

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12:30am Esther has called and told us, that she will be operated again today. The liquor-congestion did not disolve yet. As Esther sneezed, something in her wound has burst and some liquor has come out. They will open the wound once more this afternoon. Esther, Anita and I are very anxious about the uncertain thing waiting for her. After vi talked for one minute Esther said vi had to stop talking or her head would burst. Naturally Esther will not be moved to the other hospital tomorrow.

8:30 pm Esther has not been in surgery yet, She has been waiting all afternoon. There has been an emergency so her turn will probably come tomorrow morning. The planned operation seems to be bigger than expected at noon-time. Gerhard and I are in Steyr, but Emanuel, Susanne and other good friends have been with Esther to support and comfort her. Some minutes ago I called Esther to say good night. She is unbelievable calm and secure. She knows what will be done, but she trusts the doctor and asked that we should pray for her. She said: "I know I am in Gods hand!"
We hope that Esther can sleep well and gets new strenght for tomorrow.
Now we can pray and trust that everything will work out to the best, and that Esther will not come to intensive ward, starting all over again.

Esther you are a wonderful person, I love YOU! You are in Gods hand!

Tuesday, April 1

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10:30am Now it is starting. Esther is on her way to surgery again.

The surgery took 2 1/2 hours. After that I have spoken with Dr. Dietrich who has done the operation. Because the wound had been leaking liquor it had to be opened again and closed afresh. At the same time they put in a drainage so no more liquor-congestion will occure.
Esther is back on her room and sends greetings. Naturally she is tired and exhausted.
We are praying, that she may get the peace she needs to recuberate now. In spite of all of this, we are grateful that those complications happened as long as she was in this Hospital and not after she would have been moved to the other place.

Today the provider on Tokelau, Oceania ( was down. I hope this was only a temporary disturbance.

Wednesday, April 2

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9:00 pm Anita is sitting in a train on her way back to Steyr. She has been with Esther this afternoon
Esther is very weak. She cannot eat and has very stong pain. We feel powerless but we admire Esther for being so brave. The doctor said that they att first have to get in control over Esthers pain. The greatest danger is over now.

Emanuel is lying in bed with a very bad cold. He thinks he has pneumonia again.

Thursday, April 3

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Esther had a bad night. She slept bad because of her head-ache. She is not doing so well.

Dear Friends,
we are worried and do not real know how Esther is doing! Gerhard is just now driving to Vienna. He will be with Esther tonight and will make the update so soon as possible.
Tanks for praying!

Now we know some more. Last week Thursday the stiches were removed. Saturday: After coughing Esther felt something wet in her neck. The nurse just said that it only came from swetting strongly and cleaned it. Monday: Through sneezing the wund burst and liquor run out. Only on Tuesday she was operated again. Now we know, that she got Bacterial Meningitis from Saturday to Tuesday.

Esther said: Yesterday I was mor dead than alive. Her head ache is a little better now. The inflamation count are 50% less than yesterday. Esther can speak some more today.

Friday, April 4

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10 am. Now I (Gerhard) am going to Esther to help her to eat. Because of the Liquor-drainage Esther is not allowed to lift her head more than 10 cm during 2 -3 seconds.

The poor girl must be lying on her back. She may move her arms and legs, but that's all. She is very positiv, talks a lot (just like her parents) and has started to really eat again today. Sie kept all food inside. Esther has no fever but gets twice a day antibiotica. Time after time her strong headache comes through, when she cannot bear it anymore she gets an injection against it straight away.
In summary: I am very happy to see how she is improving although the doctor said that her meninigitis count are not good at all.

Saturday, April 5

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The situation is similar to yesterday. Esther just seemed to be more tired. Even the smallest sound hurts in her head. Liquor drainage gave yesterday 150 ml liquor today it was only 75ml. Everyday shall they lift the "pressure-chamber" a little higher. This regulates the level of pressure. So they can regulated the pressure. I understood that at the end no more liquor will come out. Then it will run through the normal canal into the spine.
Care and treatment have taken a positive turn yesterday.

Sunday, April 6

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The Situation is the same as yesterday
Esther is very sad. Lying on her back like that gets harder.
Shie can hardly bear anymore the complications, the constant head-ache and the uncertainty about what is coming next and for how long.

For the Medicals, Esther had:
on Wednesday Cell-count of 5000/3 in the Liquor
On Saturday 140/3
Today Sunday170/3

Monday, April 7

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I just spoke to Esther by phone. She may (should) sit some.
3:00 pm Esther is sitting in a wheel-chair. She says, that she is pulling the breaks, but that the room doesn't stopp spinning.
Anita is going to see Esther today. Tomorrow Esthers birthday will be celebrated! 25 Years since her first birthday! Some more happened the last weeks!
Esther could sit in the wheelchair for an hour.

Tuesday, April 8

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Today is Birthday Celebration!!!!
Esther is 25!!!!

Anita is in Vienna with Esther

Wednesday, April 9

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The Cell-cout has risen some (200). According to the doctor this has no impact on the improvment. We pray anyway. We take nothing for granted anymore.
The Celebration Esther mastered good. Her improvement continues.
Esther needs courage. The future is something big uncertain.
Anita will be back from Vienna this afternoon.

First shall they take away the liquor drainage. Anita wants to stay until this is completed.
Esther had her first contact again with her physiotherapist.

Thursday, April 10

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Today training started for real. In the morning Esther had her first session. She fainted, to start with. Blood-circulation was not really up and going the way it should. But this cannot stop a Wiking Girl.
She enjoyed her sleep at noontime!
The afternoon training was already better. Only the balance feeling makes some problem
Esther is confident!
She really enjoys to sleep because of being beautifuly tired.

Friday, April 11

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Eating goes better. Esther can keep the food.
The stiches were removed again
Esther has enough of this hospital. After 4 week she wants to move.
She hopes to move soon to the other hospital close to her home, where she will continue her rehabilitation.
For observation reasons she will also in the other hospital be in the neurological ward.

Saturday, April 12

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Esthers health is improving. Eating and digestion works nicely.
But she has problems with the fine-motoric of the left side of her body
She can go alone tho the bathroom to take a shower, although she is going bend to her right side.
Esther is very discouraged. She hardly can bear the inactivity.
She's waiting very hard to get to the next hospital to start working on her come back
Die Doctors are very cautious and are still giving her a lot antibiotica
Tear are sitting quite loose these days.

Sunday, April 13

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We are very desparete
Esther has got temperature again. It was 38°C at 2 pm.

We do not know what the reason is
The day started very nice. When I arrived Esther came to meet me. Together we went to the dayroom for some minutes.
We even repeated that later on.

After lunch she slept for half an hour. After that she shivered and the temperature rose.
The Nurse and the doctor are very concerned.

Now Esther is tired and needs to rest.

We talked about Ps 23,4
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadows, I will fear no evil: for thou [art] with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." No - promise to get out of it easy and fast, but a promise to be comforted and protected.

We also talked about the words from the korean girl, Lindsay Thomas: "Experience is a hard teacher, it gives us the test first and the lesson later!"

Monday, April 14

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During the night the temperatur increased to 38,5° C.
But this morning it was down to 36,2°. This feels good!
Esther is confident even though she also is very tired.

4 pm Esther started to shiver again. Her temperatur is rising (38,2°)
Esther got a bed in the other hopital and should have been moved coming Wednesday. The transfer has been canceled now.
New basic examiniations are started again, pulmonary X-Ray, CT, blood tests and more....

Tuesday, April 15

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This morning again no fever.
Esther is very tired after a night with high temperature (39°C).
In the night, as she was guided by a nurse on her way to the toilet, Esther fainted.
Nurse and doctor became very busy. Esther did not hurt herself.
This morning temperature was gone.
The newest information is, that Esther will be moved tomorrow to an other hospital close to where she lives.
Also there she will be on the neurological ward. An application to get to the rehabilitation hospital has be filled in by the doctors. Now it only needs to be approved be the insurance company.
Please pray that this will work out.

5 pm A New Information reaches me: Esther got a rush on her body, the doctor asks if she has had measles before. She is still going to move to the other hopspital tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 16

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Now Esther has moved to a quite newly-build hospital. She likes the place and is looking positiv at live.
She has not seen so many doctors and had so many checkups since she left intensive ward
She feels that she is very well cared about. Her rush is gone.
On her way to the new hospital, Esther saw that springtime has arrived and she told us about a blooming tree outside her window.

Friday, April 18

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Today the doctor had a talk with Esther.
He said that there are good possibilities for her to restore the fine-motoric abilities of her left side, but that he could not promise anything, and that she probably will not become a tightrope walker.
Esther may stay in the hospital until she can take care of herself when she gets home. But she will have to wait for her place at the rehabilitation hospital at home.
Esther said: ”I’m not sick anymore, I’m just damaged!”
Today she practised to walk stairs.
She gets Ergo-therapy for her left hand and Physio-Therapy for the rest of her left side. For whatever she need a hand to do, she has to use her left hand to train it up.
Everybody in the hospital knows her already, she is the youngest - the well of youth!
I have just talked to a friend of Esther. She told me that she has been today with Esther and Emanuel in Coffee shop. Esthers first outing. Back up she had to take the elevator - her strenght did not last that far.

Saturday, April 19

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Today Anita and I have been with Esther again.
She is doing fine. She is busy training herself but still gets tired very fast.
We have been to the garden and to a cafe-shop. In was beautiful in the garden even tough it was humid and cool.
Only the fact that we together with Esther could go injto the garden is a marvelous thing. She goes the stair by herself but has to hold herself by the wall.

The room is good equiped and pretty for a hospital-room. It even has a fridge.

Easter Sunday, April 20

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It is great to be alive. To be able to get up and take a shower. To see the flowers bloom.

Monday, April 21

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Today Esther was permitted for the first time to take a shower all on her own. She only called for the nurse to help her get her back try.
After that she went for a walk with the ladies in her room.
Esther pushed the wheel-chair. One of the ladies (70) sat in the chair, the other one (89) held herself at the side of the chair. Then they went down the corridor and back.
Esther thinks that time goes very slowly. Visitors mean a lot in this time. It is so still.

Tuesday, April 22

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Today with her trainig hour, Esther had to try to stand on one leg with her eyes closed. She was succesful and is in good spirits.

For the coming weeks we will only make notes a couple of times a week, except something extraordinary happens.
Please pray for Esther to het a rehabilitation place soon.

Friday, April 25

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We can see progress. The muscles of her lower legs are very sore. In training she has to stand on one leg which is hard work after all these weeks
The fine-motoric of her left hand is still strongly handycapped.

Coming sunday Esther is having a day off from hospital. We will go with her to her appartment.

Rehabilitation has been granted. On Monday she is moving to the rehabilitation center. Praise the Lord!!!

Sunday, April 27

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Today was the first time in "fresh air". First we took a turn back to the roots.
We went past Esthers Kindergarten and first schoolhouse on our way to her childhood house, where we celebrated sunday service. We also visited our beloved Ex-neightbors. The strenght was just enought to go for lunch in a chines restaurant with friends.
Then a rest in Esthers own bed was needed. After that we went back to the hospital where Esther is staying a last night before moving to the rehabilitation center on monday morning.


Monday, April 28

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Esther is att her new place. She got a single room with a balkony.
There is a swimming-pool and a nice park. Meals are served att the dining hall.
She has training in the morning.
The afternoons are fri. Esther will be staying there for 28 days.

Wednesday, April 30

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| Innenhof |Terrace | Bath

Thursday, May 1

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Trainig is going well but it is hard work. Esther has to balance on a beam. Climb a ladder and when she gets permission again she also gets underwater gymanstics. She also gets ergo-therapy to get back the full use of her left hand.
Her wound still has a spot that is not completely closed at the surface. Now she got a band-aid again. Until this spot is not completely healed she is not allowed to swim.
Esther must not go into the sun eighter. It would not be good. Heat and radiation would harm her brain.
Now she need a hat. Maybe a straw-hat.

Today I, Gerhard, will pick up Esther and take her for a hike around Vienna. Esther warned me not to be too ampitious for her strenght might not take all of it.
We will go for an ice-cream - drive up a hill close to Vienna - have lunch together and celebrate live.
In the early afternoon we will also pick up Emanuel and some friends for the rest of the outing-day.

Saturday, May 3

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Ambitions were too high.
We only went to eat ice-cream, looked by our old swimming-lake and visited some friends.
Esther could not take all impressions. Everything is too fast and to much.
A little walk around the house, maybe into the park behind the house is more than enough.
Yesterday I brought her a guitar. It was her own idea to train her left hand.

Yesterday she also got spontaneous a new room again. This is both good and strenuous - now everything is the wrong way around in her room. Life is just too strong and too confusing.

Esther has training everyday one hour before and one hour in the afternoon. This is enough for now. Yesterday a last stich has been removed. It had hidden itself and hindered the wound to heal completely.
On Thursday Esther saw her wound for the first time on a picture.


Monday, May 5

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The world looks much better today. Esther could rest during the weekend. She found her confidence again in planing the near future.

Saturday, May 10

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Now the time for the little steps has come. Esther works with accepting that she is “sick”. Her brain and nerves have to heal. She cannot swim, because her belly-muscles do not work properly. Her left hand doesn’t do automatically what it should. Her balance has some disorders. Esther has to learn a lot she could do before.
The doctor said to her, that some things she cannot force right now. She first has to heal.. Her brain and nerves got a lot of pressure and irritation during the bleeding, the surgeries and the meningitis.
But Esther is optimistic. Next Saturday a colleague marries and she shall be there. Friend will help that it work out.
Mai 25 Esther shall be released to go home. This will be exiting and a test about what she is able to do and what doesn’t work yet.


Monday, May 19

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Esther is doing much better. She servived the wedding of her collegue very well on Saturday. Also the first test-night at home went well. Yesterday afternoon she went to her church in the Krummgasse for the Sunday-service
She visibly enjoyed it.
In the evening the "therapeutical weekend-outing" was over and Esther went back to the Reha-center.
Last friday Esther found out that there is a possibility to prolong the Reha-training. We encouraged her to take all help she can get.
Please pray that Esthers sence of ballance will be restored. Problems occure when she changes from lying down to a sitting or standing position. The fine motoric function of her left hand and foot are not good yet eihter.
Swimming works again, although they are very cautious so Esther will not submerge.

Tuesday, May 20

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Anita had a good time in Vienna (May 15-19). This days she had the chance to see Esther more often.
Yesterday Esther visited her work at the Day Nursery for school-children again. This was the first time since March that she saw “her” children again.
For the children it was not easy when she suddenly was gone. (Not long ago Esthers former boss died, and some children still remember how she suddenly had been gone).
The joy was great and there were many hugs. Esther explained what had happened to her and one could tell that she has not forgotten any of her pedagogical skills.
Esther also took the chance to see her bank and to do some little shopping on her own. All went well.
What Esther is practicing right now is the fine-tuning of her movements. This progresses very slowly and she needs a lot of patience. Much of what she is learning right now is not so visible. Esther says, that she sees more of what she cannot do than what she is able to. Naturally this is strenuous, but on the other hand it is a sign that Esther is taking up responsibility again.
One special prayer-request at this point is that Esther again may learn to play her guitar.

Friday, May 23

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The extention of the rehabilitation program has been approved. Esther may stay at the NRZ on Rosenhügel until June 22.
At the computer she is alowed now to use the mouse.

Saturday, May 24

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Anita and I picked up Esther för an outing. We went to a close-by Village. Esther did some shopping, went to the bank and to round it we all had a gyros for lunch.
After that we went by car to central Vienna for a walk inm the Botanical Garden at the "Schloss Belvedere". To get a little overview we drove up to Kahlenberg a hill north of Vienna. Here we sat and looked down on Vienna.
To finalize the day we decided to have some ice-cream in the city. We missed our way and parked a little bit too far off from where we wanted to go. So we had quite a bit to go in the center. Through Kärntnerstrasse - Stefansplatz and Rote Turmstrasse to get to the ice-cream-shop. There were huge crowds of people who all wanted to be there at the same time.
Esther managed the whole way. This sure was a crash-test - but Esther did fine.

Friday, May 30

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Today we shall go to Vienna again
We shall pick up Esther to go to a birthday paty of a very good friend, who became 50. Pictures will follow.

Saturday, May 31

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Hello! It’s ME, Esther. Today I am on day-release and doing some keyboard training at home. Yesterday was lot of fun, I only get tired very fast. Than I have to go back to the center. Basically I’m quite happy to be able to continue the training but slowly everything gets too much. Sometimes, when I think that I need patience, I become aware of how much there is that I and my trainers have no influence over. Evil left hand!!!!!! But I refuse to give up, especially now, after all this time!!

When I walk I do no longer need to hold onto something, not even climping the stair!
I greet you all, who have foillowed my progress.

Sunday, June 01

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Today there was a premier in Vienna. Not at a theater but a happening ur drama "living live".

Esther went home by bus - subway - and tram all by herself. A successful premier!
For Esther it was a great step and means a lot for her self-confidence to be able to come and go without needing help. Anita is in Vienna and decided together with Esther to make this attempt. Of course was there the comfort to be able to call by cell phone if it would not work out and Esther had to be picked up somewhere on the way.

Esther did just fine.

The first time to wash her own laundry and to sort out a lot of things at home. You could see how glad Esther is that live start to approach "normal" again. She also took the advantage to surprise some friends with E-Mails and Phonecalls. Right now as I (Anita) am writing this , Esther is sitting with Annette and Gerald in the living-room drinking coffee.
Esther and I delight in our time together and share the Joy of having each other. We just realize that things which look "normal" are in no way to be taken for granted!
Tonight Esther we will bring back Esther to the reha-center Rosenhügel (Rosenhügel = Rose-Hill) and tomorrow the fight, to bring the left hand into obedience will continue. In all of that we do not want to forget to give GOD the honour for all HE has done and for all protection during the incident
We may not forget that it is only 2 1/2 month since Esther had the bleeding in her head - and that she even had a very bad meningitis since that. Its a miracle!!!

Lördag, June 14

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First of all shall we send greetings from Esther - she is doing fine.

Last weekend Esther spent two nights in her own apartment. She really enjoyed it. At last she could do things she can do during three days. At “training-centre” she is always brought to her limits and learns what she cannot do.
Now she has to endure until June 22, then she will be released home.

Today it is 3 month that Esther had her cerebral haemorrhage. It was a very intensive time. We thank God that He kept His hand over her!
One more week and Esther will be home in her own place! She looks forward to start living again under “normal” circumstances. Most of what she does right now is “for the first time again”...
Yesterday evening Esther was together with Emanuel at the cinema. Today she will go shopping with two Reha-colleague to Naschmarkt in the city. It is great seeing that Esther starts enjoying doing things. Things which are trivial and normal for us, Esther experiences as big steps and her joy over little things which start working is unbelievable!

Her first week in “freedom” Esther will be at home in her own flat in Vienna. Only when she is home alone she will see how much really is working. Just this thing with her clothes. When she got sick in was winter-clothes, now we have more than ~30°C/~84°F and summer, and there is not much which still fits her. She is of good courage and says that all things are possible if she only may do them in her time. She likes to quote her grandmother who said when she broke her leg: “It should not bother anybody how long it takes!”
In the beginning of July Esther will be staying with us for some days in Steyr. We look forward to caring for her those days.
Thank you for supporting Esther and us these last three month.

Sunday, June 22

Esther moves home Yesterday we were invited to the restaurant, one of Esthers Reha-Colleges ownes.

Tuesday, July 02

Today there was a premier again. The first time after March 14 Esther rode a bycicle again.


March 14 - 2004

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Hy dear friends!
Heute ist es ein Jahr her… Sozusagen mein erstes Jubiläum. Irgendwie ist es schon sehr seltsam, wenn ich zurück denke! Dass ich vor 12 Monaten um diese Zeit noch um mein Leben gekämpft habe,… und ja – es war ein Kampf! Klar war ich nie allein und in den bescheidensten Situationen konnte ich immer darauf zählen, dass Unterstützung da war, nur habe ich das oftmals nicht so gesehen – verzeiht mir, wenn ich in solchen Situationen ungerecht war! Nun bin ich schon so oft angesprochen worden – wie es mir denn nun ginge, und ob ich denn noch was merke von den Nachwirkungen. Gott sei Dank nicht!
Ich bin weitestgehend rehabilitiert! Im Krankenhaus sagte ich immer, ich sei nicht krank sondern „beschädigt“, und so bin ich heute wohl repariert! Seit September bin ich wieder im Kinderdienst (Ich habe wieder „meine“ Gruppe übernommen) und „kann“ schon „alles“. Gitarre spielen ist so eine Sache, die noch hakt, aber ich übe... persönlich finde ich es noch recht schwer mit Messer und Gabel zu essen – (warum auch immer, Stricken ist kein Problem mehr).Wenn ich den Kopf in den Nacken lege, verliere ich auch das Gleichgewicht und der Doktor meinte ich solle weder Bungy springen noch Tiefseetauchen – aber das sind halt Dinge, auf die ich zur Not verzichten kann. Und für Dinge, für die andere einen Helm bräuchten, hab ich sowieso einen.
Neben der physischen Leiden sind klarerweise viele psychische Traurigkeiten passiert, die es in diesem Jahr zu überwinden, verarbeiten und verdauen galt. Oft hatte ich das Gefühl seelisch schier zu verzweifeln und es ist nicht leicht nach so viel Schrott nicht zynisch zu werden. Aber … Gott sei Dank gibt es hier auch ein „Aber“! – nach einigen Monaten habe ich erkennen dürfen, dass Freunde, Familie, Gemeindemitglieder, Kollegen, Krankenschwestern und sogar Ärzte nur Menschen sind und, ich bin auch nur ein Mensch – und zwar ein ziemlich sturer!
Ich hab’s ja am Kopf! Aber ich lebe – und ich lebe GUT! Danke für Eure Anteilnahme und vor allem dafür, dass ihr für meine Familie da wart in der bescheidensten Zeit, die ich je erlebt habe.

Leben muss man das Leben vorwärts, verstehen kann man es nur rückwärts…

With friendle greetings
